The town of Bodø, is just north of the arctic circle, and the first stop of our Northern Norway vacation.
Overnight Train to Bodø
We traveled to Bodø via an overnight train from Oslo. For the first leg of the trip, we took the afternoon trip to Trondheim. There were some nice views of southern Norway initially, but it got dark quickly, so there wasn’t too much to see.

From Trondheim, we rode in a sleeper cabin. It was tight, and not the most comfortable, but better than riding in a seat for over ten hours. When we woke up in the morning, there were some magnificent views of northern Norway.

In Bodø, we stayed at the Thon Hotel Nordlys right at the marina. The views were spectacular and the location allowed us to walk anywhere we needed.

We braved the wind (Bodø is windy!) and walked along the long dock. The views, as expected, did not disappoint.

Street Art
Bodø is a fun town to explore on foot. Scattered throughout, there are some excellent street art to see. Unfortunately, it some of the murals have been taken down, but there are still some to find.

See Also
The Mezquita of Cordoba
Temple of Hatshepsut: Holy of Holies